Saturday, November 7, 2015

“Jerusalem is the heart and soul of the Jewish people and the capital of Israel for eternity.” YJ Draiman

Jerusalem is the heart and soul of the Jewish people and the capital of Israel for eternity.”

FACT IS: Ever since the Jews entered the land of Israel in 1300 BCE and King David made Jerusalem the capital of Israel more than 3,000 years ago; then King Solomon built the Jewish Temple, the city has played a central role in Jewish existence. The Western Wall in the Old City is the object of Jewish veneration and the focus of Jewish prayer. Three times a day and in daily blessings, for thousands of years, Jews have prayed “To Jerusalem, thy city, shall we return with joy,” and have repeated the Psalmist’s oath: “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.” Jerusalem “has known only two periods of true greatness, and these have been separated by 2,000 years. Greatness has only happened under Jewish rule,” a famous writer wrote in Jerusalem. “This is so because the Jews have loved her the most, and have remained constant in that love and devotion throughout the centuries of their dispersion. . . . It is the longest, deepest spiritual love affair in history.” “It is for three thousand years, Jerusalem has been the center of Jewish hope and longing. No other city has played such a dominant role in the history, culture, religion and consciousness of a people as has Jerusalem in the life of Jewry and Judaism. Throughout centuries of exile, Jerusalem remained alive in the hearts of Jews everywhere as the focal point of Jewish history, the symbol of ancient glory, spiritual fulfillment and modern renewal. The Jews for the past 2,000 years have celebrated holidays and observed fast days in memory of Jerusalem, the hope and aspiration to return to Jerusalem and rebuilt the Jewish Temple. At Jewish wedding ceremonies a dish is broken in memory of Jerusalem. This heart and soul of the Jewish people engenders the thought that if you want one simple word to symbolize all of Jewish history, that word would be ‘Jerusalem.’ ” “The Jewish people without Jerusalem; is like a human body without a soul”.
YJ Draiman


  1. Local Arabs is the description of the Arabs in what was formerly known as the region of Palestine, which is the Land of Israel. It is an insult and it is promoting the perpetration of a fraud by calling the local Arabs nothing else than local Arabs. Prior to the mid sixties they were called Arabs all of a sudden they woke up one morning and decided in order to promote their fraud and deception to assume the title the Jews had since the Romans renamed the Land of Israel Palestine and Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina.
    YJ Draiman
    Also, let's not forget that not only is the word Palestine a Roman miss-spelling of philistine with no Arabic roots whatsoever and the only area the Philistines had was the Gaza area, the rest had 7 other nationalities; it's only purpose was to insult the Jewish people and serve as a constant reminder that they had been conquered by the Romans. There is a certain irony in the idea that these Arabs would choose a Roman name over making up their own. But that fits their method of operations in that all they do is take what is NOT theirs. Be it the land of Israel, the bodies of innocent women and children, the freedom that the EU and the U.S.A. insists on giving them, thus to abuse and threaten. Why wouldn't they steal a name designated for the Jews by the Romans also? Principally since until 50 years ago the Arab themselves considered is as an insult to Arabs. Abbas the terrorist with a murder conviction belongs in Jail and should be hanged for his crimes.

  2. Peace might be valid if the so-called fictitious Arab/Palestinians wanted to live in peace. They state clearly by statement and action that their goal is to drive the Jewish people out and take all of Israel. Their method is killing, destruction and hate. They perpetuate this strategy by lying to their people and indoctrinating their children with hate. They are a pathetically unproductive people that beg and accept millions in support but spend it on weapons and hate. Would you want to share a small country with these primitive barbaric people?

  3. "We must be ready to sacrifice all for our country Israel. For history does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. We must continue to acquire proficiency in defense and display determination and stamina in purpose." Never surrender - we are fighting for our survival and the alternative is extinction.
    Israel's mission first and foremost is to take care of the Jewish people and insure their safety and security in Israel. Israel's obligation is to its Jewish People and not to pacify the world at large. The historical facts are that for thousands of years the world at large has always persecuted the Jewish people and stood idle while millions of Jews are exterminated and persecuted.
    Right now we are in a badly separated, internally struggling, and bickering state both within Israel and also in the Diaspora. And our enemies are happily latching onto this internal fragmentation exploiting us against each other and leading successful campaigns against us on all fronts.
    No political wisdom, trickery no weapons and a mighty army can save Israel or Jews worldwide unless we rise above our differences, above our argumentative nature and form a single united Nation that is impenetrable.
    And that wouldn't just save us but would blaze a trail of hope for others in this crazy world where there are no allies or friends any more only enemies waiting for the opportunity to destroy each other.
    We may not agree on everything, but we must respect each other and work together for our common goal which is survival in this hostile world which is on spiral deterioration to mayhem.
    "A United Israel is a Strong Israel"
    YJ Draiman

  4. "We must be ready to sacrifice all for our country Israel. For history does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. We must continue to acquire proficiency in defense and display determination and stamina in purpose." Never surrender - we are fighting for our survival and the alternative is extinction.
    Israel's mission first and foremost is to take care of the Jewish people and insure their safety and security in Israel. Israel's obligation is to its Jewish People and not to pacify the world at large. The historical facts are that for thousands of years the world at large has always persecuted the Jewish people and stood idle while millions of Jews are exterminated and persecuted.
    Right now we are in a badly separated, internally struggling, and bickering state both within Israel and also in the Diaspora. And our enemies are happily latching onto this internal fragmentation exploiting us against each other and leading successful campaigns against us on all fronts.
    No political wisdom, trickery no weapons and a mighty army can save Israel or Jews worldwide unless we rise above our differences, above our argumentative nature and form a single united Nation that is impenetrable.
    And that wouldn't just save us but would blaze a trail of hope for others in this crazy world where there are no allies or friends any more only enemies waiting for the opportunity to destroy each other.
    We may not agree on everything, but we must respect each other and work together for our common goal which is survival in this hostile world which is on spiral deterioration to mayhem.
    "A United Israel is a Strong Israel"
    YJ Draiman

  5. Peace might be valid if the so-called fictitious Arab/Palestinians wanted to live in peace. They state clearly by statement and action that their goal is to drive the Jewish people out and take all of Israel. Their method is killing, destruction and hate. They perpetuate this strategy by lying to their people and indoctrinating their children with hate. They are a pathetically unproductive people that beg and accept millions in support but spend it on weapons and hate. Would you want to share a small country with these primitive barbaric people?

  6. Local Arabs is the description of the Arabs in what was formerly known as the region of Palestine, which is the Land of Israel. It is an insult and it is promoting the perpetration of a fraud by calling the local Arabs nothing else than local Arabs. Prior to the mid sixties they were called Arabs all of a sudden they woke up one morning and decided in order to promote their fraud and deception to assume the title the Jews had since the Romans renamed the Land of Israel Palestine and Jerusalem Aelia Capitolina.
    YJ Draiman
    Also, let's not forget that not only is the word Palestine a Roman miss-spelling of philistine with no Arabic roots whatsoever and the only area the Philistines had was the Gaza area, the rest had 7 other nationalities; it's only purpose was to insult the Jewish people and serve as a constant reminder that they had been conquered by the Romans. There is a certain irony in the idea that these Arabs would choose a Roman name over making up their own. But that fits their method of operations in that all they do is take what is NOT theirs. Be it the land of Israel, the bodies of innocent women and children, the freedom that the EU and the U.S.A. insists on giving them, thus to abuse and threaten. Why wouldn't they steal a name designated for the Jews by the Romans also? Principally since until 50 years ago the Arab themselves considered is as an insult to Arabs. Abbas the terrorist with a murder conviction belongs in Jail and should be hanged for his crimes.
